Attunements & Training
Seal yourself in a higher vibration & learn the sacred art of hand healing.
An initiation into the unknown.
A Reiki attunement is an initiation into the sacred lineage of Usui Reiki Healers.
During an attunement ceremony or “Rei - Ju” a psychic surgery technique is used to seal participants’ energy in a heightened state of awareness that empowers the hands and heart to channel Reiki & perform healing at various degrees and strengths.
To honor the intimate needs of the relational container of student and teacher Rose provides Reiki Attunements & training on a case by case basis as part of a full day immersion & retreat.
Empower the hands and heart for self healing with the Reiki Level 1 Attunement.
In a Reiki Level 1 Attunement students are attuned to the energy of the earth. The healing symbol for substance, matter, & earth is placed in various positions on the base of the skull & in the hands utilizing a psychic surgery technique that allows students to access Reiki Healing at the first degree.
Students will learn the intricate history of Reiki Healing with an emphasis on how the cultural conversation dominant to key points in Reiki history impacts the lineage and practice alongside various “self purifying giho”, techniques for healing.
Sliding Scale Accommodations Available
Diversify your capacity to heal yourself and others with the Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
In a Reiki Level 2 Attunement students are attuned to the energy of water & fire. The healing symbols for harmony & transcendence are placed in various positions on the base of the skull & in the hands utilizing a psychic surgery technique that allows students to access Reiki Healing at the second degree.
In Reiki level two students will learn the Kotodamas or healing symbols used in Reiki healing alongside more advanced “purifying giho”, or techniques for healing. Students will be trained in a code of ethics unique to healers as well as more diversified techniques for healing themselves and others as a Reiki Practitioner.
Sliding Scale Accommodations Available
A dedicated student to the ever unfolding mystery a true Reiki Master Practitioner or “Shinpidin” is marked not by their capacity to master Reiki but by their capacity to allow Reiki to master their lives.
In order to achieve Reiki Level 3 one must have surrendered all to the radiant life force energy of love, recognizing and honoring it as the supreme force guiding us towards our soul’s natural path of evolution.
In the Reiki level 3 attunement students raise their consciousness by the light of Reiki where they are attuned to the fourth symbol of Reiki, the master symbol. To receive the master symbol is of the highest honor. The master symbol attunes us to the energy of the whole universe or god consciousness.
In Reiki Level 3 students are trained in various high vibrational healing techniques including psychic surgery.
Sliding Scale Accommodations Available
Learn how to transmit Reiki attunements appropriately & provide Reiki training as a Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki Master Teacher training was developed as a way to honor those whose journey was not complete without the capacity to attune and train others in the art of hand healing.
In Reiki Level 4 students are taught how to perform both healing and initiation attunements as well as how to train others in the art of Reiki.
Sliding Scale Accommodations Available
Sliding scale fees allow us to accommodate highly dedicated self healers who may have less access to economic resources than others. Consider paying the full fee if you can, it supports your friends and neighbors!