Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious or enthusiastic to learn more about energy healing, my methods as a spiritual practitioner, & more? Check here for answers to frequently asked questions & recommendations for services.

Energy Healing

So I’m trained in 3 sacred forms of energy healing, but what does that really mean?

Learn the fundamental concepts of Reiki, Crystal Healing, & Healing through Numbers with The Archangels as well as familiarize yourself with the life altering benefits of routine spiritual care.

  • Reiki is a Japanese technique for accessing and re-directing life force energy.

    The word Reiki is comprised of two Japanese kanji. Rei, the innate wisdom stemming from the god conscious. & Ki, vital life force energy.

    When one comes in contact with Reiki they are coming in contact with spiritually guided life force energy.

    This healing art form is used to treat the body on the emotional, spiritual, & physical level by cleansing the chakras & activating the body’s ability to self heal.

    Reiki was remembered (as it exists innately within all living things & energetic beings) by Dr. Mikao Usui on his search for a way to heal through the light of God.

    Reiki has no spiritual denomination, meaning it can be practiced alongside or without a religious practice.

  • Rooted in quantum physics, Crystal Healing is the practice of laying stones on the body or calling a gemstone’s energy over a person with the intent to heal on an emotional, physical, & spiritual level.

    All matter is energy, all things alive or inanimate are a vibrational essence, & that vibrational essence or resonance has an effect on its surroundings.

    By laying a crystal on your person or by calling the energy of a crystal forth to you, the crystals’ vibrational essence is in co creation with your energy & essence.

    The crystals’ energy is now changing your energy, realigning it with that of the earth.

    Our energy & even our matter are subject to change through this gently healing practice.

  • Healing through Numbers with The Archangels is the sacred healing practice of calling your angels forth to clear your energy, manifest on your behalf, & provide healing on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level to yourself as well as your lineage.

    By calling your angels over you by name or through numeric frequencies these subtly healing vibrations are able to balance your energy centers (commonly referred to as chakras) to promote an overall improved quality of life.

Benefits of Energy Healing

Energy Healing has many proven benefits including but not limited to its ability to

. Reduce inflammation

. Promote a greater sense of relaxation

. Release trauma stored in the body

. Activate the body’s ability to repair itself

. Increase intuition & a stronger sense of mental well being/clarity

. Clear the path to manifestations

. Initiate flow in areas of our lives plagued by stagnation

It can even be used in addition to other modalities of healing to support chronic pain management

Personalized Wellness Planning

Personalized Wellness Planning

Why do I recommend personalized wellness planning over just one session?

Because routine spiritual maintenance makes a difference.

Long term exposure to healing energies is almost necessary to truly benefit from the sheer level of opportunity & blessings presented to you through coming in contact with life force energy.

The reason being, our energy is like a bucket of water. Throughout the course of our life we pick up energy from our experiences. Without consistent spiritual cleansings or energy healing overtime our bucket becomes full of sand, sediment, leaves, & twigs, blockages in our energy develop & stagnation builds as a result.

After weeks, months, & more commonly even years of energy has built up it simply takes more than one session to sift through.

When we are exposed to healing energies such as Reiki it is as if we have put our bucket of water under a facet. For a time the sediment in our bucket will spin, lift, & even flow out of the bucket before the debris inevitably settles again.

Through repeated exposure to energy healing we can restore flow to the energy centers long enough to clear them of energetic debris so that they may maintain the flow of energy moving forward as where in instances where we address the energy once it is likely for energy blockages to re settle in the body.

Recommendation For Services

Not sure which service is right for you? Click the box that best describes you & your current circumstance for a general recommendation for services.

& Don’t forget you can always receive a personalized recommendation for services during a complimnetary consultation call!

  • New to the world of Tarot Readings, Reiki, & other forms of energy healing. You are curious to explore but unsure of what/where/how to start your guided journey with spirituality.

    Rose’s Recommendation:

    Book a private session to get a feel for one on one work with a spiritual practitioner & determine if my style of healing feels like a good fit for you.

  • Aware of your gifts & awakened to the incredibly spiritual world around us. You have enough experience with Tarot Readings, energy healing, & spiritual practices as a whole to know there is more for you to discover within.

    Rose’s Recommendation:

    Become a clear channel for manifestation, higher truths, & your own innate spiritual calling through a 3-6 month long wellness plan where we will clear the energy centers of major debris as well as develop the skills necessary for connecting with your own psychic senses & intuition.

  • Does spirituality shine through your creative endeavors in the service based industry? Do you have a semi/fully developed personal spiritual practice that you are interested in sharing with the world?

    Rose’s Recommendation:

    Develop the core essence of your brand as well as the tools necessary to communicate it to a soul aligned audience through a 3 or 6 month Brand Mastermind Program.